Publications in PubMed: 174
Total publications: 386
Hirsch factor (h-factor, ISI): 50
Borwin Bandelow at PubMed
Borwin Bandelow at Research Gate
Borwin Bandelow at Google Scholar
Highly Cited Papers
(As of September/October 2018, this highly cited paper received enough citations to place it in the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.)
Bandelow B, Michaelis S. 2015. Epidemiology of anxiety disorders in the 21st century. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 17:327-35.
Bandelow B, Michaelis S, Wedekind D. 2017. Treatment of anxiety disorders. Dialogues Clin Neurosci 19:93-107.
Bandelow B, Reitt M, Rover C, Michaelis S, Gorlich Y, Wedekind D. 2015. Efficacy of treatments for anxiety disorders: a meta-analysis. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 30:183-92.
Baldwin DS, Anderson IM, Nutt DJ, Allgulander C, Bandelow B, den Boer JA, Christmas DM, Davies S, Fineberg N, Lidbetter N, et al. 2014. Evidence-based pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a revision of the 2005 guidelines from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol 28:403-39.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen/Scientific Publications
Allgulander C, Bandelow B, Hollander E, Montgomery SA, Nutt DJ, Okasha A, Pollack MH, Stein DJ, Swinson RP, World Council of A (2003): WCA recommendations for the long-term treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. CNS Spectr 8:53-61.
Ansorg R, Gunesch D, Bandelow B, Thomssen R (1977): [Differentiation and diagnostic significance of immunoglobulin classes of antibodies against cell wall antigens of yeast and mycelial phase of Candida albicans (author’s transl)]. Mykosen 20:167-77.
Baldwin DS, Allgulander C, Altamura AC, et al (2010): Manifesto for a European anxiety disorders research network. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 20:426-32.
Baldwin DS, Allgulander C, Bandelow B, Ferre F, Pallanti S (2012): An international survey of reported prescribing practice in the treatment of patients with generalised anxiety disorder. World J Biol Psychiatry 13:510-6.
Baldwin DS, Anderson IM, Nutt DJ, et al (2014): Evidence-based pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: a revision of the 2005 guidelines from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol 28:403-39.
Baldwin DS, Anderson IM, Nutt DJ, Bandelow B, Bond A, Davidson JR, den Boer JA, Fineberg NA, Knapp M, Scott J, Wittchen HU, British Association for P (2005): Evidence-based guidelines for the pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders: recommendations from the British Association for Psychopharmacology. J Psychopharmacol 19:567-96.
Baldwin DS, Bandelow B, Dolberg OT, Andersen HF, Stein DJ (2009a): Symptom improvement and functional recovery in patients with anxiety disorders. European Neuropsychopharmacology 19:S590-S591.
Baldwin DS, Stein DJ, Dolberg OT, Bandelow B (2009b): How long should a trial of escitalopram treatment be in patients with major depressive disorder, generalised anxiety disorder or social anxiety disorder? An exploration of the randomised controlled trial database. Hum Psychopharmacol 24:269-75.
Bandelow B Depression : Informationen für Patienten und Angehörige. [Hamburg]: DAK.
Bandelow B Nur nicht Bange machen lassen. Harvard-Business-Manager.
Bandelow B Untersuchungen zur selektiven Züchtung der Mycel- und Blastosporenphase von Candida albicans und zur diagnostischen Wertigkeit präzipitierender Antikörper gegen Antigene der beiden Wachstumsformen.
Bandelow B (1995): Assessing the efficacy of treatments for panic disorder and agoraphobia. II. The Panic and Agoraphobia Scale. Int Clin Psychopharmacol 10:73-81.
Bandelow B (1996a): Einschränkung der Lebensqualität durch Panikstörung und Agoraphobie. Göttingen.
Bandelow B (1996b): Seminar social phobias – Clinical aspects and diagnosis of social phobias. Nervenheilkunde 15:315-318.
Bandelow B (1997): Panik- und Agoraphobie-Skala: (PAS); Handanweisung. Göttingen [u.a.]: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B (1998a): Therapie mit Antidepressiva. In Fox J, Rüther E (eds), Handbuch der Arzneimitteltherapie. Band I: Psychopharmaka. Stuttgart: Thieme, pp 65-113.
Bandelow B (1998b): Therapie mit Neuroleptika. In Fox J, Rüther E (eds), Handbuch der Arzneimitteltherapie. Band I: Psychopharmaka. Stuttgart: Thieme, pp 115-169.
Bandelow B (1999): Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS): Manual. Seattle: Hogrefe & Huber Pub.
Bandelow B (2000a): [Generalized anxiety disorder]. Versicherungsmedizin 52:115-8.
Bandelow B (2000b): Spezielles zu den einzelnen Neuroleptika. In Möller HJ MW, Bandelow B. (ed), Neuroleptika. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, pp (in press).
Bandelow B (2000c): Therapie mit Neuroleptika Qualitätssicherung und Arzneimittelsicherheit. Darmstadt: Steinkopff.
Bandelow B (2001): Panik und Agoraphobie : Diagnose, Ursachen, Behandlung. Wien [u.a.]: Springer.
Bandelow B (2002a): [Behavior therapy and antidepressive drugs. What helps with anxiety?]. MMW Fortschr Med Suppl 2:60-2, 64-5.
Bandelow B (2002b): How long to treat anxiety disorders? European Neuropsychopharmacology 12:S159-S160.
Bandelow B (2002c): Panikstörung und Agoraphobie – Medikamentöse Behandlung. In Bandelow B (ed), Angst- und Panikerkrankungen. Bremen: UNI-MED, pp (im Druck).
Bandelow B (2002d): Quick sedation of the agitated patient with zyprexa velotab – Innovation in acute psychiatric care. Nervenheilkunde 21:75-76.
Bandelow B (2003a): Angst- und Panikerkrankungen. Bremen: Uni-Med.
Bandelow B (2003b): Epidemiology of Depression and Anxiety. In Kasper S, den Boer JA, Sitsen AJM (eds), Handbook on Depression and Anxiety. New York, N.Y.: M. Dekker, pp 49-68.
Bandelow B (2003c): Panikstörung und Agoraphobie – Medikamentöse und psychotherapeutische Verfahren und Kombinationstherapie im Vergleich. In Bandelow B (ed), Angst- und Panikerkrankungen. Bremen: UNI-MED, pp 77-88.
Bandelow B (2003d): Soziale Phobie – Medikamentöse Therapie. In Bandelow B (ed), Angst- und Panikerkrankungen. Bremen: UNI-MED, pp 133-136.
Bandelow B (2003e): Soziale Phobie – Medikamentöse und psychotherapeutische Verfahren und Kombinationstherapie im Vergleich. In Bandelow B (ed), Angst- und Panikerkrankungen. Bremen: UNI-MED, pp 137-140.
Bandelow B (2004a): Das Angstbuch. 10. Aufl. Reinbek: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2004b): Sertraline and exposure therapy in social phobia. Br J Psychiatry 184:271; author reply 271-2.
Bandelow B (2005a): The advantages of SSRI treatment of panic disorder. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 58:S23-S23.
Bandelow B (2005b): Das Angstbuch woher Ängste kommen und wie man sie bekämpfen kann, 3. Aufl ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2005c): S.2.6 Treatment of anxiety disorders. European Neuropsychopharmacology 15:S96.
Bandelow B (2005d): Treating anxiety disorders: Efficacy and safety considerations. European Psychiatry 20:S153-S154.
Bandelow B (2005e): Treatment of panic anxiety disorder: An update. European Psychiatry 20:S155.
Bandelow B (2006a): Angst- und Panikerkrankungen, 2. Auflage. Bremen: Uni-Med.
Bandelow B (2006b): C.10.01 Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): the treatment implications of clinical heterogeneity. European Neuropsychopharmacology 16:S579-S579.
Bandelow B (2006c): Celebrities vom schwierigen Glück, berühmt zu sein, 1. Aufl ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2006d): Das Angstbuch woher Ängste kommen und wie man sie bekämpfen kann, 4. Aufl ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl.
Bandelow B (2006e): Defining response and remission in anxiety disorders: toward an integrated approach. CNS Spectr 11:21-8.
Bandelow B (2006, 2. Aufl.): Celebrities – Vom schwierigen Glück, berühmt zu sein. Reinbek: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2007a): Celebrities: vom schwierigen Glück, berühmt zu sein. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl.
Bandelow B (2007b): Das Angstbuch woher Ängste kommen und wie man sie bekämpfen kann, 5. Aufl ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl.
Bandelow B (2007c): Das Buch für Schüchterne. Reinbek: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2007d): Das Buch für Schüchterne Wege aus der Selbstblockade, 1. Aufl. ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2007e): Long term treatment of anxiety disorders. European Psychiatry 22:S73.
Bandelow B (2007f): New therapy options for anxiety and compulsive disorder. Nervenarzt 78:510.
Bandelow B (2007g): Pharmacological treatment of anxiety disorders – is there a state of the art? European Psychiatry 22:S90-S90.
Bandelow B (2007h): Prevalence of pain in depression. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 11:307.
Bandelow B (2007i): Therapy of fear disorder. Nervenarzt 78:241.
Bandelow B (2007j): Treatment-resistant panic anxiety disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology 17:S207-S208.
Bandelow B (2008a): Celebrities (Chinese edition). Beijing: SDX Joint Publishing Company.
Bandelow B (2008b): Das Angstbuch (koreanische Ausgabe). Seoul: Puriwa Ipari Publishing Co.
Bandelow B (2008c): Das Angstbuch woher Ängste kommen und wie man sie bekämpfen kann, 6. Aufl ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl.
Bandelow B (2008d): Gwiazdy. Gdansk: Gdanskie Wydawnictwo.
Bandelow B (2008e): The medical treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder and anxiety. CNS Spectr 13:37-46.
Bandelow B (2008f): The Medical Treatment of Obssessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety. Cns Spectrums 13:37-46.
Bandelow B (2008g): Recent developments in pharmacotherapy of GAD. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 11:319-319.
Bandelow B (2009a): Angst-, Panik- und Zwangsstörungen. In Ludwig WD (ed), Arzneiverordnungen, 22. Auflage. ISBN 978-3-87360-015-7: Medizinische Medien Informations GmbH, pp 395-405.
Bandelow B (2009b): Angststörungen. In Scharmer U (ed), Arzthandbuch – Wirtschaftliche und evidenzbasierte Arzneiverordnung für die Praxis. ISBN: 978-3-9809457-5-2. München: Urban & Vogel, pp 135-137.
Bandelow B (2009c): Benzodiazepines and Pregabalin in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 13:11-11.
Bandelow B (2009d): Comorbid depression and anxiety – understanding and treating complex patients. European Neuropsychopharmacology 19:S706-S706.
Bandelow B (2009e): Das Angstbuch woher Ängste kommen und wie man sie bekämpfen kann, 7. Aufl. ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verl.
Bandelow B (2009f): [Eccentric life, early death. Borderline personality in the spotlight (interview by Dr. med. Brigitte Moreano)]. MMW Fortschr Med 151:6.
Bandelow B (2009g): Long-term treatment of anxiety disorders. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 13:19-19.
Bandelow B (2009h): Nur nicht Bange machen lassen – Gesundheitscoaching: Angst ist nichts Schlimmes, sie kann Manager auch beflügeln. Lernen Sie, mit negativen Gefühlen umzugehen. Harvard Business Manager 31:24.
Bandelow B (2010a): Rating Scales and Standardised Diagnostics in Daily Routine. European Psychiatry 25.
Bandelow B (2010b): Wenn die Seele leidet. Reinbek: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2011a): Embitterment syndrome: options for psychopharmacological management. In Linden M, Maercker A (eds), Embitterment – societal, psychological, and clinical perspectives. Wien: Springer, pp 187-96.
Bandelow B (2011c): Herzrasen, Atemnot, Panik. Hebammenforum:7-14.
Bandelow B (2011d): Prominente Menschen mit Angststörungen. J Neurol Neurochir Psychiatr 12:344-347.
Bandelow B (2011e): Risks and Benefits of Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 15:3.
Bandelow B (2012): Why do celebrities die young? International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 16:6-7.
Bandelow B (2013a): The effect of comorbid anxiety on outcomes in major depressive disorder (MDD). International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 17:10.
Bandelow B (2013b): Wer hat Angst vorm bösen Mann? warum uns Täter faszinieren, 1. Aufl. ed. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2015a): Flugangst – Woher sie kommt und wie man sie bekämpfen kann. Reinbek: Rowohlt.
Bandelow B (2015b): Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Pain. Mod Trends Pharmacopsychiatry 30:153-65.
Bandelow B (2016): Panik- und Agoraphobieskala, 2. Aufl. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B (2017): Comparison of the DSM-5 and ICD-10: panic and other anxiety disorders. CNS Spectr 22:404-406.
Bandelow B (2020): Current and Novel Psychopharmacological Drugs for Anxiety Disorders. In Kim Y-K (ed), Anxiety Disorders: Rethinking and Understanding Recent Discoveries. Singapore: Springer Singapore, pp 347-365.
Bandelow B, Aigner JM (1998): Therapie mit klassischen und neuen Neuroleptika. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer.
Bandelow B, Alvarez Tichauer G, Spath C, Broocks A, Hajak G, Bleich S, Ruther E (2001): Separation anxiety and actual separation experiences during childhood in patients with panic disorder. Can J Psychiatry 46:948-52.
Bandelow B, Amering M, Benkert O, Marks I, Nardi AE, Osterheider M, Tannock C, Tremper J, Versiani M (1996a): Cardio-respiratory and other symptom clusters in panic disorder. Anxiety 2:99-101.
Bandelow B, Andersen HF, Dolberg OT (2007a): Escitalopram in the treatment of anxiety symptoms associated with depression. Depress Anxiety 24:53-61.
Bandelow B, Baldwin D, Abelli M, et al (2016a): Biological markers for anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD – a consensus statement. Part I: Neuroimaging and genetics. World J Biol Psychiatry 17:321-65.
Bandelow B, Baldwin D, Abelli M, et al (2017a): Biological markers for anxiety disorders, OCD and PTSD: A consensus statement. Part II: Neurochemistry, neurophysiology and neurocognition. World J Biol Psychiatry 18:162-214.
Bandelow B, Baldwin DS (2010): Pharmacotherapy for panic disorder. In Stein DJ, Hollander E, Rothbaum BO (eds), Textbook of Anxiety Disorders. Washington, D.C./London: American Psychiatric Publishing, pp 399-433.
Bandelow B, Baldwin DS (2020): Pharmacotherapy for panic disorder. In Simon NM, Hollander E, Rothbaum BO, Stein DJ (eds), Textbook of Anxiety, Trauma and OCD-Related Disorders. Washington, D.C./London: American Psychiatric Publishing, pp 385-398.
Bandelow B, Baldwin DS, Dolberg OT, Andersen HF, Stein DJ (2006a): What is the threshold for symptomatic response and remission for major depressive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder? J Clin Psychiatry 67:1428-34.
Bandelow B, Baldwin DS, Domschke K (2014a): Panic disorder and agoraphobia, Oxford Psychiatry Library, First edition ed. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
Bandelow B, Baldwin DS, Zwanzger P (2013a): Pharmacological Treatment of Panic Disorder. In Baldwin DS, Leonard BE (eds), Modern trends in pharmacopsychiatry: Anxiety Disorders, Vol 29: Karger.
Bandelow B, Bassler M (2003): Angst- und Panikerkrankungen Ätiologie, Diagnostik, Therapie, 1. Aufl ed. Bremen [u.a.]: UNI-MED Verl.
Bandelow B, Bassler M (2006): Angst- und Panikerkrankungen Ätiologie, Diagnostik, Therapie, 2. Aufl. ed. Bremen [u.a.]: UNI-MED.
Bandelow B, Bauer M, Vieta E, El-Khalili N, Gustafsson U, Earley WR, Eriksson H (2014b): Extended release quetiapine fumarate as adjunct to antidepressant therapy in patients with major depressive disorder: pooled analyses of data in patients with anxious depression versus low levels of anxiety at baseline. World J Biol Psychiatry 15:155-66.
Bandelow B, Bauer M, Vieta E, El-Khalili N, Udd M, Gustafsson U, Eriksson H (2010a): Pooled analysis of the efficacy of adjunctive quetiapine XR in patients with major depressive disorder and high or low levels of baseline anxiety. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 14:19-20.
Bandelow B, Behnke K, Lenoir S, Hendriks G, Alkin T, Dombrowski A, Goebel C (2002a): Sertraline versus paroxetine in the treatment of panic disorder: A multinational randomized double-blind 15 week study. European Neuropsychopharmacology 12:S364.
Bandelow B, Behnke K, Lenoir S, Hendriks GJ, Alkin T, Goebel C, Clary CM (2004a): Sertraline versus paroxetine in the treatment of panic disorder: an acute, double-blind noninferiority comparison. J Clin Psychiatry 65:405-13.
Bandelow B, Bleich S, Kropp S (2000a): Handbuch Psychopharmaka, 2., überarb. Aufl. ed. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B, Bleich S, Kropp S (2004b): Handbuch Psychopharmaka, 2., überarb. Aufl ed. Göttingen [u.a.]: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B, Bleich S, Kropp S (2004c): Handbuch Psychopharmaka, 2. Aufl. ed. [s.l.]: Hogrefe Verlag.
Bandelow B, Bleich S, Kropp S (2012a): Handbuch Psychopharmaka, 3. Aufl., 3., vollst. überarb. Aufl. ed. Göttingen [u.a.]: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B, Bleich S, Kropp S (2012b): Handbuch Psychopharmaka. 3., vollst. überarb. Auflage. Göttingen [u.a.]: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B, Bleich S, Kropp S, Bezchlibnyk-Butler KZ (2000b): Handbuch Psychopharmaka. Göttingen [u.a.]: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B, Bobes J, Ahokas A, Eggens I, Liu S, Brecher M (2007b): Results from a phase III study of once-daily extended release quetiapine fumarate (quetiapine XR) monotherapy in patients with generalised anxiety disorder. International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice 11:314-315.
Bandelow B, Boerner JR, Kasper S, Linden M, Wittchen HU, Moller HJ (2013b): The diagnosis and treatment of generalized anxiety disorder. Dtsch Arztebl Int 110:300-9; quiz 310.
Bandelow B, Boerner RJ, Kasper S, Linden M, Volz HP, Wittchen HU, Moller HJ (2007c): Drug treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) – a consensus statement. Psychopharmakotherapie 14:136-+.
Bandelow B, Boerner RJ, Kasper S, Linden M, Wittchen H-U, Moeller H-J (2013c): Regular Muscle Activity Reply. Deutsches Arzteblatt International 110:610-611.
Bandelow B, Boerner RJ, Kasper S, Linden M, Wittchen HU, Moller HJ (2013d): Correspondence (reply): In reply. Dtsch Arztebl Int 110:610-1.
Bandelow B, Brasser M (2009): Clinical suitability of GAD-7 scale compared to hospital anxiety and depression scale-A for monitoring treatment effects in generalized anxiety disorder. European Neuropsychopharmacology 19:S604-S605.
Bandelow B, Broocks A (2002a): Evaluating the efficacy of psychological therapy. Verhaltenstherapie 12:205-215.
Bandelow B, Broocks A (2002b): Wirksamkeitsuntersuchungen in der Psychotherapieforschung. Verhaltenstherapie 12:205-215.
Bandelow B, Broocks A (2006): Generalisierte Angststörungen – Hypothesen zur Ätiologie. In Bandelow B (ed), Angst- und Panikerkrankungen, 2. Auflage. Bremen: UNI-MED, pp 105-108.
Bandelow B, Broocks A, Hajak G (1995a): Die Behandlung von Angsterkrankungen mit Clomipramin – eine Analyse von Kasuistiken. TW Neurologie/Psychiatrie November:7-9.
Bandelow B, Broocks A, Pekrun G, George A, Meyer T, Pralle L, Bartmann U, Hillmer-Vogel U, Ruther E (2000c): The use of the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (P & A) in a controlled clinical trial. Pharmacopsychiatry 33:174-81.
Bandelow B, Broocks B (1997): Die medikamentöse Behandlung der sozialen Phobie. In Buchheim (ed), Psychotherapie und Psychopharmaka. Stuttgart/New York: Schattauer.
Bandelow B, Brunner E, Beinroth D, Pralle L, Broocks A, Hajak G, Ruther E (1999): Application of a new statistical approach to evaluate a clinical trial with panic disorder patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 249:21-7.
Bandelow B, Brunner E, Broocks A, Beinroth D, Hajak G, Pralle L, Ruther E (1998a): The use of the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale in a clinical trial. Psychiatry Res 77:43-9.
Bandelow B, Charimo Torrente A, Rüther E (2004d): The role of environmental factors in the etiology of social anxiety disorder. In Bandelow B, Stein DJ (eds), Social Anxiety Disorder. New York, N.Y.: Marcel Dekker, pp 131-142.
Bandelow B, Charimo Torrente A, Wedekind D, Broocks A, Hajak G, Ruther E (2004e): Early traumatic life events, parental rearing styles, family history of mental disorders, and birth risk factors in patients with social anxiety disorder. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 254:397-405.
Bandelow B, Chouinard G, Bobes J, Ahokas A, Eggens I, Liu S, Eriksson H (2010b): Extended-release quetiapine fumarate (quetiapine XR): a once-daily monotherapy effective in generalized anxiety disorder. Data from a randomized, double-blind, placebo- and active-controlled study. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 13:305-20.
Bandelow B, Degner D, Kreusch U, Ruther E (1995b): Myocarditis under therapy with clozapine. Schizophr Res 17:293-4.
Bandelow B, Demyttenaere K, Papakostas G, Trivedi M, Szamosi J, Earley W, Eriksson H (2010c): EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTS OF QUETIAPINE XR MONOTHERAPY ON SLEEP DISTURBANCE IN PATIENTS WITH MDD. European Psychiatry 25.
Bandelow B, Domschke K (2015): Panic Disorder. In Stein D, Vythilingum B (eds), Anxiety Disorders and Gender. Cham: Springer.
Bandelow B, Engel K, Wedekind D (2009): [Evidence-based medicine in therapy of anxiety disorders]. MMW Fortschr Med 151:89-91.
Bandelow B, Engel K, Wedekind D, Amberger S Neurotische, somatoforme und Belastungsstörungen : Angststörungen. Psychiatriepflege und Psychotherapie : 76 Tabellen [mit 8 Filmen auf DVD].
Bandelow B, Falkai P, Gruber O, Havemann-Reinecke U (2013e): Kurzlehrbuch Psychiatrie (2. Aufl.), 2., überarb. und akt. Aufl. ed. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer.
Bandelow B, Fox JM, Rüther E (1998b): Handbuch der Arzneimitteltherapie Bd. 1 Psychopharmaka. Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme.
Bandelow B, Fox JM, Rüther E (1998c): Handbuch der Arzneimitteltherapie Bd. 1 Psychopharmaka : mit 16 Abbildungen und 117 Tabellen. Stuttgart [u.a.]: Thieme.
Bandelow B, Fritze J, Rüther E (1998d): Increased mortality in schizophrenia and the possible influence of antipsychotic treatment. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract 2(Suppl2):S49-S57.
Bandelow B, Grohmann R, Rüther E (2000d): Unerwünschte Begleitwirkungen der Neuroleptika und ihre Behandlung. In Möller HJ (ed), Therapie psychiatrischer Erkrankungen, 2 ed. Stuttgart: Thieme, pp 217-235.
Bandelow B, Gruber O, Falkai P (2008a): Kurzlehrbuch Psychiatrie. Heidelberg: Steinkopff Verlag.
Bandelow B, Gutermann J, Peter H, Wedekind D (2013f): Early traumatic life events, parental attitudes, family history, and birth risk factors in patients with depressive disorder and healthy controls. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract 17:56-63.
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Bandelow B, Haug TT (2004): Sertraline and exposure therapy in social phobia * Author’s reply. Br J Psychiatry 184:271-272.
Bandelow B, Heise CA, Banaschewski T, Rothenberger A (2006b): Handbuch Psychopharmaka für das Kindes- und Jugendalter. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Bandelow B, Kaiya H (2006): Drug treatment for panic disorder. International Congress Series 1287:288-292.
Bandelow B, Koch M, Zimmermann P, Biesold KH, Wedekind D, Falkai P (2012c): Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the German Armed Forces: a retrospective study in inpatients of a German army hospital. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 262:459-67.
Bandelow B, Krause J, Wedekind D, Broocks A, Hajak G, Ruther E (2005a): Early traumatic life events, parental attitudes, family history, and birth risk factors in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls. Psychiatry Res 134:169-79.
Bandelow B, Lam R (2010): Escitalopram in clinical practice. ISBN 978 1 85873 439 2. London: Current Medicine Group.
Bandelow B, Lichte T, Rudolf S, Wiltink J, Beutel M (2011a): S3-Leitlinie Angststörungen. Heidelberg: Springer.
Bandelow B, Lichte T, Rudolf S, Wiltink J, Beutel M (2015a): S3-Leitlinie Angststörungen. Berlin: Springer.
Bandelow B, Lichte T, Rudolf S, Wiltink J, Beutel ME Diagnostik und Therapieempfehlungen bei Angststörungen.
Bandelow B, Lichte T, Rudolf S, Wiltink J, Beutel ME (2014c): The diagnosis of and treatment recommendations for anxiety disorders. Dtsch Arztebl Int 111:473-80.
Bandelow B, Lichte T, Rudolf S, Wiltink J, Beutel ME (2014d): Diagnostik und Therapieempfehlungen bei Angststörungen. Dtsch Arztebl Int 111:473-80.
Bandelow B, Lichte T, Rudolf S, Wiltink J, Beutel ME (2015b): The German guidelines for the treatment of anxiety disorders. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 265:363-73.
Bandelow B, Linden M (2009): Angsterkrankungen – Panikstörung, soziale und generalisierte Angststörung. In Voderholzer U, Hohagen F, Kriegel U (eds), Therapie psychischer Erkrankungen: State of the Art 2009/2010. ISBN 978-3437249013. München: Elsevier, pp 223-242.
Bandelow B, Linden M (2011): Angsterkrankungen – Panikstörung, soziale und generalisierte Angststörung (ICD-10 F4). In Voderholzer U, Hohagen F (eds), Therapie psychiatrischer Erkrankungen, 6. Auflage. München: Elsevier, pp 193-208.
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